A Note from Louise

Dear PATH Community,

Today I end my time as your Metro IAF Lead Organizer, while continuing in the work of transition for the organization. Over the course of several years at PATH, we encountered great challenges, experienced fortunate opportunities, and saw true impact in building powerful relationships for change in Howard County.


The work of PATH continues! 

We will continue to demand equity in all HoCo systems, now and into the next crucial years, making sure that County budget reductions do not continue to impinge on equity in the region, and that systems continue to serve ALL of Howard County.

Consider donating to support the work of PATH in our local communities. The work of PATH matters now, more than ever before

The Strategy Team and key leaders will continue to learn and organize together. Starting July 6, Cynthia Marshall of Maryland IAF will be working part-time at PATH as interim Lead Organizer. Financial matters will be managed by the Strategy Team, per usual. 


I’ll still be in Howard County, doing volunteer and contract work through December. I’ll continue in ministry as Unitarian Universalist clergy: As individual spiritual director and coach, a consultant on interfaith power organizing, and a faith leader for worship arts and congregational development. My PATH email address will remain active through 2020, and I remain an ongoing supporter from D.C., where my home office has been since the March shutdown began.

It has been a true joy to learn from you since March of 2018, when I began at PATH and in Howard County.  What a long, strange trip it has become! While this is not the end I would plan (amidst physical separation), I remain full of gratitude for all I’ve experienced among you. 

With great respect and affection,


PATH Countywide Action Meeting — August 6


PATH Update, June 2020