District 4 Candidate Responses

Our leaders hosted the Candidates for Howard County Council District 4 Representative in June for an exciting action. You can find the questions we asked and each candidate’s responses below:

Do you support the development of affordable housing in Downtown Columbia and throughout Howard County?If so, how would you ensure the current, already approved plan for the renovation of Downtown Columbia (including the addition of 150 units of affordable housing in the Banneker Fire Station and the Central Library renovation projects) remains on track to be completed within the current timeline?

In previous forums, you have publicly stated your support for protecting the Liberty Act. Can you describe what specific steps you will take to guarantee the rights and protections of immigrant families in the County if the voters do not uphold the Act?

What specific steps do you plan to advance health equity throughout the county and decrease inequities in access to things like healthy food, public transportation, and affordable health care? Are you in support of expanding the SNAP program among other farmer’s markets in addition to the one that exists?

Will you commit to meeting with PATH and attending another action like this if you make it past the primary, and commit to meeting with us quarterly if you become a Councilmember?

View responses (PDF) from:

Candidate Janssen Evelyn

Candidate Hank Boyd

Candidate Deb Jung (incumbent)


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