Campaign for New Library and Affordable Housing

Act now! We need you! For this vision to become a reality, the Council needs to hear widespread support for this vision and plan.

The Downtown Plan

In 2016, Howard County launched a private-public partnership to build 6,400 housing units to fulfill the plan to create a walkable and vibrant downtown Columbia. PATH led and won a multi-year initiative to ensure that the plan included 900 units of affordable housing plus more amenities. 

In March, County Executive Calvin Ball unveiled a plan for a world class library becoming the physical and cultural center of Columbia, and a plan to develop a minimum of 240 units of housing in downtown, 120 of which would be affordable to seniors, teachers, and others who work but cannot afford to live in Howard County.

This plan also includes a significant portion of state and private funding to benefit our community. Our state legislators and the Gov. Wes Moore have all supported the plan.

Will this compete with the schools?

Funding for these projects are in the Capital budget and cannot be used for ongoing costs (including staff) for the schools. Funding from private and state sources cannot be used for anything else. 


  • The library will bolster and support students from pre-K through Community College 

  • Affordable housing for firefighters, seniors, teachers, and others

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What can I do?

1. Attend a County Council Meeting Join path to show our support for the library and housing at the council hearing May 11, 9:30am at the George Howard Building 3430 Court House Dr, Ellicott City. Council meets in the Banneker Room (1st floor).

2. Call the County Council at (410) 313-4001

3. Email the County Council Click the link below — or scan
this QR code— to send an email to the County Council:



Organizing for Democracy


PATH Showing Support for Library and Increased Afforable Housing in Downtown Columbia